BC Resident Recreation and Use
Please note that, for the safety of our horses, boarders, and staff, we ask that all non-boarding residents refrain from approaching the stalls or horses. Guests are welcome to enjoy the grounds.
Residents of Bell Canyon are more than welcome to explore and enjoy the Bell Canyon Equestrian Center, whether that is as a boarder, a student, or a guest. If you are a non-boarding resident wishing to visit or use the equestrian facilities, please read the below first.
The BCEC is excited to welcome veteran trainers Cerulean Farms (hunter/jumper) and PM Horse Training (Western/Mexican), as well as Sage Creek Stables (hunter/jumper), in their first year with Bell Canyon. The BCEC also offers Birthday Camps for kids ages 3 and up. Check out ways to start riding below:

Residents who keep horses on private property are welcome to use the BCEC's facilities, keeping in mind that trainers and scheduled lessons have priority use of the arenas. To use any of the BCEC facilities for a non-boarding horse, you must fill out the resident use agreement linked below. Completed, signed agreements should be emailed to gm@bellcanyon.com before first use.
For Bell Canyon resident use of BCEC facilities for horses boarded on private property.
Don't forget: if you're using a BCEC facility, you must have a signed copy of the Barn Rules, Arena Rules, and Liability Waiver on file with the Office.
If you’d rather look at a horse than jump on one, the lower two barns of the BCEC are always open to resident visitors popping by to say “hay” to its inhabitants. To make your visit safe and pleasant, it’s important to keep the following guidelines in mind:
If a horse is in a stall:
Please pay attention to stall signs, as these are crucial to a horse’s health. Many of our boarding horses have allergies, chronic health conditions, or temperaments that require special treatment. Even it there is nothing on the stall card indicating a health issue, do not touch or feed the horse. Not only will this help keep the horses healthy, it will help keep your fingers, hands, and other limbs out of reach if a horse is feeling bite-y or threatened.

If a horse is outside:
It’s okay to ask about petting or saying hello, but you don’t ever want to approach a horse without express permission from its rider or trainer. Horses are prey animals and will react to anything “scary,” whether it’s a stranger approaching, a purple object, or even their own shadow, so surprise interaction with a horse can put both the rider and a bystander in danger. Whether you’re just passing by or waiting to say hi, keeping a ten-foot minimum distance between your body and the horse is the safest way to pass by or around outside horses. As with other animals like dogs, trust the horse’s owner or handler to know what’s safest for you and for the horse; if they ask you to move away or tell you to stop interacting with the horse, follow the direction.
Just in general:
It’s important to remember that horses are sensitive animals, so disruptive activities like biking or skateboarding, smoking, or running around with an off-leash dog are not allowed. Once the sun goes down, the horses need their rest, so visiting hours are 7AM—sunset.